Cannot create repository
Created by: compwright
My employer is setting up Gitlab 3.0 on a CentOS gitolite server, with Apache and passenger.
Gitlab seems to be running fine, albeit a bit slow, except for the fact that I cannot create a new repository. I get this error:
We have checked the permissions and ran bundle exec rake gitlab:app:status RAILS_ENV=production
, which reports no errors.
# Logfile created on 2012-10-24 11:48:13 -0400 by logger.rb/31641
October 24, 2012 11:48: User "Administrator" ( was created
October 24, 2012 15:10: User "Jonathon Hill" (jhill@***.com) was created
October 29, 2012 16:12: Jonathon Hill created a new project "test"
October 29, 2012 16:18: Jonathon Hill created a new project "test2"
October 29, 2012 16:28: Jonathon Hill created a new project "test"
# Logfile created on 2012-10-24 15:09:39 -0400 by logger.rb/31641
October 29, 2012 15:41 -> ERROR -> ArgumentError owner was nil, you must specify an owner
October 29, 2012 15:59 -> ERROR -> ArgumentError owner was nil, you must specify an owner
October 29, 2012 16:00 -> ERROR -> ArgumentError owner was nil, you must specify an owner
October 29, 2012 16:12 -> ERROR -> ArgumentError owner was nil, you must specify an owner
October 29, 2012 16:18 -> ERROR -> ArgumentError owner was nil, you must specify an owner
October 29, 2012 16:28 -> ERROR -> ArgumentError owner was nil, you must specify an owner
Started GET "/projects/new" for at 2012-10-24 16:01:09 -0400
Processing by ProjectsController#new as HTML
Rendered projects/_new_form.html.haml (15.4ms)
Rendered projects/new.html.haml within layouts/application (22.7ms)
Rendered layouts/_head.html.haml (4.2ms)
Rendered layouts/_flash.html.haml (0.1ms)
Rendered layouts/_init_auto_complete.html.haml (11.7ms)
Rendered layouts/_head_panel.html.haml (21.9ms)
Completed 200 OK in 69ms (Views: 59.0ms | ActiveRecord: 4.3ms)
Started POST "/projects" for at 2012-10-29 16:28:26 -0400
Processing by ProjectsController#create as JS
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"...", "project"=>{"name"=>"test", "path"=>"test", "code"=>"test"}, "commit"=>"Create project"}
Rendered projects/_new_form.html.haml (3.1ms)
Rendered projects/create.js.haml (4.7ms)
Completed 200 OK in 297ms (Views: 5.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.9ms)
Started GET "/errors/githost" for at 2012-10-29 16:28:26 -0400
Processing by ErrorsController#githost as HTML
Rendered errors/gitolite.html.haml within layouts/errors (0.3ms)
Rendered layouts/_head.html.haml (1.4ms)
Rendered layouts/_flash.html.haml (0.1ms)
Rendered layouts/_init_auto_complete.html.haml (6.0ms)
Rendered layouts/_head_panel.html.haml (13.6ms)
Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 16.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)
We've made sure the apache user has the proper ssh keys so that it can access gitolite, and have looked at the troubleshooting guide. Google isn't helpful.
Can someone please provide some guidance as to what we should do to track down the cause of this error?