Namespace selected in dropdown during project creation is ignored, new projects are always created in user's namespace
Namespace selection via Admin -> Projects -> Edit dropdown does not invoke Gitlab::ProjectMover, resulting in broken projects (namespace updated in DB, but repository not moved on disk).
Namespaces not displayed in Add User to Projects autocomplete list (though perhaps this is overlooked due to upcoming group permissions? ;-) )
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@Riyad i would bet that's because your repository is not in the "namespace folder".
Check if you find it in /home/git/repositories/{namespace}/{repository.git}, if not sudo mv /home/git/repositories/{repository.git} /home/git/repositories/{namespace}/{repository.git}
By Administrator on 2012-11-29T13:17:15 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-11-29T13:17:15 (imported from GitLab)
Namespace selected in dropdown during project creation is ignored, new projects are always created in user's namespace
Namespace selection via Admin -> Projects -> Edit dropdown does not invoke Gitlab::ProjectMover, resulting in broken projects (namespace updated in DB, but repository not moved on disk).
Namespaces not displayed in Add User to Projects autocomplete list (though perhaps this is overlooked due to upcoming group permissions? ;-) )
projects count in the groups is broken (from dashboard only, count is fine when browsing gitlab/groups/groupname)
editing an "old" project (not yet namespaced) pre-fills the namespace dropdown with the owner namespace instead of "global"
Looks like just about all of the issues mentioned so far are resolved...
By Administrator on 2012-12-03T02:12:04 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-12-03T02:12:04 (imported from GitLab)
I have 2 users as masters in a project
And the project is in one of the user's namespace (e.g. "user_a/project_foo")
When I try to edit the project as the other user (e.g. "user_b")
Then I the current namespace should be selected (i.e. "user_a")
Currently there isn't even "user_a" in the namespace selection (when I edit the project as "user_b") and my user namespece (i.e. "user_b") is preselected! So whenever I change something else on the project, I automatically change the projects namespace.
By Administrator on 2012-12-04T19:28:57 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-12-04T19:28:57 (imported from GitLab)
When I change the project namespace
Then the team should get a notification (mail)
And it should tell me about the change
And it should contain the new project url (maybe also RSS)
And it should tell me how to change the remote on my repo (i.e. git remote set-url origin ...)
By Administrator on 2012-12-04T19:34:16 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-12-04T19:34:16 (imported from GitLab)