Issue states/issue workflow
Created by: cweagans
It'd be really cool to have a State or Status dropdown field on issues, where things like this might be selected:
- Active
- In progress
- Needs Review
- Closed
This feature would complement issue milestones (issue #339 (closed)) very well.
Users should be able to change the issue status in a comment on the issue. When the status is changed, it should show the status change sort of like this: (Note where it shows the status change in the comment). That way, users can see how the status changed over time and the conversation that happened around those status changes. When commenting, users should be presented a couple of buttons.
For an active issue, users should get the option to "Comment", or "Comment and start working" (changes status to In progress). For an in progress issue, users should get the option to "Comment", or "Comment and submit for review" (changes status to Needs review), or "Comment and stop working" (Changes status back to active). For a needs review issue, users should get the option to "Comment", "Comment and close" (changes status to closed), or "Comment and continue working" (changes status back to in progress).
The current issue status should always be shown at the top of the issue.