I'm successfully using an https reverse proxy on a different machine so gitlab is running on a machine which does not have the public hostname; it's effectively the same setup you describe.
I'm pretty sure you want to set gitlab: host: to the external hostname in config/gitlab.yml
Note that I'm using https/443 for the external host port so gitlab: port: is 80 and https: is true.
FYI the exact nature of these config values is not clear and it confused me too - if someone can confirm that these settings tell gitlab how to display the public connection data then I'd happily SR a config wording fix.
Hope that helps. Also, as far as I know, we should verify issues like this on the support group before raising them here on the tracker.
By Administrator on 2013-04-26T09:25:38 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-04-26T09:25:38 (imported from GitLab)