I cant see any docs or anything in the interface showing how to mark a branch as protected. Could you explain please?
I could edit the gitolite config directly by the looks of it, but I think GitLab may be doing some of that already for me based on looking at the existing config.
By Administrator on 2012-02-28T15:57:33 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-02-28T15:57:33 (imported from GitLab)
Your screenshot URL appears to be broken (returning 404 from akami and a access denied from the underlying s3 source). I assume it was a screenshot showing I was being a fool and missed something in the admin?
By Administrator on 2012-02-29T16:34:01 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-02-29T16:34:01 (imported from GitLab)