-1 this page is not user friendly, to me.
The need to click on the project name to see the details, then reclick to go in the project... kinda "clicky"
Can't we have a "block based" projects list.
I mean, each project could be displayed as a div.span8 (on a 16 grid).
In each project block, we could list :
active issues (date + title)
last commits (date + message's first line)
wall's last X messages
Projects could be ordered by alphabetic name, and we could have an "A-Z" list to help scrolling to "A-Z" groups.
[a project] [another project]
[athird one]
[b project][ba project]
By Administrator on 2012-03-15T08:09:55 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-03-15T08:09:55 (imported from GitLab)
What happens if you have 50 projects? I know most would only have like maybe 5. But I have 112 in my gitlab. So this would look terrible for me.
I like the idea of getting a quick snapshot of all the projects, but this seems like too much info to me for the lack of usability to those with more then maybe 10 projects.
Why not expand the projects list to 100%, and add some indications to the right.
@randx you going to do the project page like this for 2.3? If you don't have time let me know I can do something like this for 2.3 quickly, I won't finish labels/milestones for 2.3.
By Administrator on 2012-03-27T03:16:35 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-03-27T03:16:35 (imported from GitLab)