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Snippets Groups Projects

Merge Requests - Assignee

Closed gitlab-qa-bot requested to merge master into 11-0-stable
3 files
+ 23
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@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
= render_wiki_content(@wiki_home, legacy_render_context(params))
- else
- can_create_wiki = can?(current_user, :create_wiki, @project)
.project-home-empty{ class: [('row-content-block' if can_create_wiki), ('content-block' unless can_create_wiki)] }
.text-center{ class: container_class }
.landing{ class: [('row-content-block row p-0 align-items-center' if can_create_wiki), ('content-block' unless can_create_wiki)] }
= image_tag 'illustrations/wiki_login_empty.svg'
This project does not have a wiki homepage yet
= _("This project does not have a wiki homepage yet")
- if can_create_wiki
Add a homepage to your wiki that contains information about your project
We recommend you
= link_to "add a homepage", project_wiki_path(@project, :home)
to your project's wiki and GitLab will show it here instead of this message.
= _("Add a homepage to your wiki that contains information about your project and GitLab will display it here instead of this message.")
= link_to _("Create your first page"), project_wiki_path(@project, :home) + '?view=create', class: "btn btn-primary"