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Add support to configure webhook_timeout in gitlab.yaml

Closed gitlab-qa-bot requested to merge github/fork/wesgurn/master into master
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+ 31
v 6.2.0
- Public projects are visible from the outside
- Add group access to permissions page
- Require current password to change one
- Group owner or admin can remove other group owners
- Remove group transfer since we have multiple owners
- Respect authorization in Repository API
- Improve UI for Project#files page
- Add more security specs
- Added search for projects by name to api (Izaak Alpert)
- Make default user theme configurable (Izaak Alpert)
- Update logic for validates_merge_request for tree of MR (Andrew Kumanyaev)
- Rake tasks for web hooks management (Jonhnny Weslley)
- Extended User API to expose admin and can_create_group for user creation/updating (Boyan Tabakov)
- API: Remove group
v 6.1.0
v 6.1.0
- Link issues, merge requests, and commits when they reference each other with GFM
- Project specific IDs for issues, mr, milestones
Above items will get a new id and for example all bookmarked issue urls will change.
Old issue urls are redirected to the new one if the issue id is too high for an internal id.
- Description field added to Merge Request
- API: Sudo api calls (Izaak Alpert)
- API: Group membership api (Izaak Alpert)
- Improved commit diff
- Improved large commit handling (Boyan Tabakov)
- Rewrite: Init script now less prone to errors and keeps better track of the service (Rovanion Luckey)
- Link issues, merge requests, and commits when they reference each other with GFM (Ash Wilson)
- Close issues automatically when pushing commits with a special message
- Close issues automatically when pushing commits with a special message
- Project internal ids for issues, mr, milestones
- Improve user removal from admin area
- Improve user removal from admin area
- Invalidate events cache when project was moved
- Remove deprecated classes and rake tasks
- Remove deprecated classes and rake tasks
- Add event filter for group and project show pages
- Add event filter for group and project show pages
- Add links to create branch/tag from project home page
- Add links to create branch/tag from project home page
- Add public-project? checkbox to new-project view
- Improved compare page. Added link to proceed into Merge Request
- Send email to user when he was added to group
- New landing page when you have 0 projects
v 6.0.0
v 6.0.0
- Feature: Replace teams with group membership
- Feature: Replace teams with group membership