Issue status not changed via API
Created by: pietbrauer
I am using the v3 of the API and if I change the status (open/close) via the API the response issue has not the status I was sending.
Example PUT Request JSON:
closed = 1;
id = 7;
"issue_id" = 42;
"milestone_id" = null;
title = "Frank issue";
assignee = "<null>";
author = {
blocked = 0;
"created_at" = "2013-01-14T20:36:05Z";
email = "";
id = 7;
name = AppleDemo;
username = appledemo;
closed = 0;
"created_at" = "2013-01-21T20:18:52Z";
description = "<null>";
id = 42;
labels = (
milestone = "<null>";
"project_id" = 7;
title = "Frank issue";
"updated_at" = "2013-01-21T20:18:52Z";
Here is the relevant part of the production.log
Started PUT "/api/v3/projects/5/issues/48?private_token=mzJ8yjycgzQhZhb7nez9" for at 2013-01-23 19:46:02 +0100
Redis::CommandError (ERR unknown command 'exec'):
app/observers/issue_observer.rb:19:in `block in after_update'
app/observers/issue_observer.rb:18:in `each'
app/observers/issue_observer.rb:18:in `after_update'
lib/api/issues.rb:82:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Issues>'