Labels can be applied to issues, merge requests, and epics. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
Labels 100
milestonesGitLab.orgssues related to the Milestones feature on issues and merge requests:
potential proposalGitLab.orgLabel added by triage tools to mark interesting feature proposals for consideration
quick actionsGitLab.orgIssues related to quick actions:
requires production accessGitLab.orgBugs that result in support having to access the production Rails console or filesystem to fix.
securityGitLab.orgIssues related to the security of GitLab or its dependencies. Please report vulnerabilities responsibly per
slash commandsGitLab.orgIssues relating to the Slack slash commands feature released in 8.15:
static analysisGitLab.orgIssues and merge requests related to static analysis: Rubocop, Flay, HAML-lint, SCSS-lint, ES-lint, Brakeman, License finder, Config-lint, Bundle audit.