diff --git a/.rubocop.yml b/.rubocop.yml
index 5bd31ccf32915feed8f1e6628f0f7ac5ae4e1142..b054675d6775b745e70b60ac466b24e764ad30c1 100644
--- a/.rubocop.yml
+++ b/.rubocop.yml
@@ -767,26 +767,33 @@ Rails/ScopeArgs:
   Enabled: false
-# Check that the first argument to the top level describe is the tested class or
-# module.
+# Check for expectations where `be(...)` can replace `eql(...)`.
+  Enabled: false
+# Check that the first argument to the top level describe is a constant.
   Enabled: false
-# Use `described_class` for tested class / module.
+# Checks that tests use `described_class`.
+  Enabled: false
+# Checks that the second argument to `describe` specifies a method.
   Enabled: false
-# Checks that the second argument to top level describe is the tested method
-# name.
+# Checks if an example group does not include any tests.
   Enabled: false
+  CustomIncludeMethods: []
-# Checks for long example.
+# Checks for long examples.
   Enabled: false
   Max: 5
-# Do not use should when describing your tests.
+# Checks that example descriptions do not start with "should".
   Enabled: false
@@ -795,6 +802,10 @@ RSpec/ExampleWording:
     not: does not
   IgnoredWords: []
+# Checks for `expect(...)` calls containing literal values.
+  Enabled: false
 # Checks the file and folder naming of the spec file.
   Enabled: false
@@ -806,19 +817,65 @@ RSpec/FilePath:
   Enabled: true
+# Checks the arguments passed to `before`, `around`, and `after`.
+  Enabled: false
+  EnforcedStyle: implicit
+# Check that a consistent implict expectation style is used.
+# TODO (rspeicher): Available in rubocop-rspec 1.8.0
+# RSpec/ImplicitExpect:
+#   Enabled: true
+#   EnforcedStyle: is_expected
 # Checks for the usage of instance variables.
   Enabled: false
-# Checks for multiple top-level describes.
+# Checks for `subject` definitions that come after `let` definitions.
+  Enabled: false
+# Checks unreferenced `let!` calls being used for test setup.
+  Enabled: false
+# Check that chains of messages are not being stubbed.
+  Enabled: false
+# Checks for consistent message expectation style.
+  Enabled: false
+  EnforcedStyle: allow
+# Checks for multiple top level describes.
   Enabled: false
-# Enforces the usage of the same method on all negative message expectations.
+# Checks if examples contain too many `expect` calls.
+  Enabled: false
+  Max: 1
+# Checks for explicitly referenced test subjects.
+  Enabled: false
+# Checks for nested example groups.
+  Enabled: false
+  MaxNesting: 2
+# Checks for consistent method usage for negating expectations.
   EnforcedStyle: not_to
   Enabled: true
+# Checks for stubbed test subjects.
+  Enabled: false
 # Prefer using verifying doubles over normal doubles.
   Enabled: false