diff --git a/app/validators/git_environment_variables_validator.rb b/app/validators/git_environment_variables_validator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 92041e0a7730139e9c914dd17df66d8ca49c961c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/validators/git_environment_variables_validator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-class GitEnvironmentVariablesValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
-  def validate_each(record, attribute, env)
-    variables_to_validate.each do |variable_name|
-      variable_value = env[variable_name]
-      if variable_value.present? && !(variable_value =~ /^#{record.project.repository.path_to_repo}/)
-        record.errors.add(attribute, "The #{variable_name} variable must start with the project repo path")
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git/rev_list.rb b/lib/gitlab/git/rev_list.rb
index d8c78d806ea8bd211cbe83f7549aeb81a73c6e0b..ecd038e04df8bbe618f358b3941190979c055364 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/git/rev_list.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/git/rev_list.rb
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
 module Gitlab
   module Git
     class RevList
-      include ActiveModel::Validations
-      validates :env, git_environment_variables: true
       attr_reader :project, :env
       def initialize(oldrev, newrev, project:, env: nil)
         @project = project
         @env = env.presence || {}
@@ -21,17 +19,21 @@ module Gitlab
       def execute
-        if self.valid?
-          Gitlab::Popen.popen(@args, nil, @env.slice(*allowed_environment_variables))
-        else
-          Gitlab::Popen.popen(@args)
+        Gitlab::Popen.popen(@args, nil, parse_environment_variables)
+      end
+      def valid?
+        env.slice(*ALLOWED_VARIABLES).all? do |(name, value)|
+          value =~ /^#{project.repository.path_to_repo}/
-      def allowed_environment_variables
+      def parse_environment_variables
+        return {} unless valid?
+        env.slice(*ALLOWED_VARIABLES)
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/git/rev_list_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/git/rev_list_spec.rb
index cdfbff5658ce247d64bfed5dc35865e5454107f8..f76aca2910759d6797ad0e411e78c4273458abde 100644
--- a/spec/lib/gitlab/git/rev_list_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/gitlab/git/rev_list_spec.rb
@@ -1,14 +1,54 @@
 require 'spec_helper'
-require 'validators/git_environment_variables_validator_spec'
 describe Gitlab::Git::RevList, lib: true do
   let(:project) { create(:project) }
   context "validations" do
-    it_behaves_like(
-      "validated git environment variables",
-      ->(env, project) { Gitlab::Git::RevList.new('oldrev', 'newrev', project: project, env: env) }
-    )
+    context "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" do
+      it "accepts values starting with the project repo path" do
+        env = { "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" => "#{project.repository.path_to_repo}/objects" }
+        rev_list = described_class.new('oldrev', 'newrev', project: project, env: env)
+        expect(rev_list).to be_valid
+      end
+      it "rejects values starting not with the project repo path" do
+        env = { "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" => "/some/other/path" }
+        rev_list = described_class.new('oldrev', 'newrev', project: project, env: env)
+        expect(rev_list).not_to be_valid
+      end
+      it "rejects values containing the project repo path but not starting with it" do
+        env = { "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" => "/some/other/path/#{project.repository.path_to_repo}" }
+        rev_list = described_class.new('oldrev', 'newrev', project: project, env: env)
+        expect(rev_list).not_to be_valid
+      end
+    end
+      it "accepts values starting with the project repo path" do
+        env = { "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES" => project.repository.path_to_repo }
+        rev_list = described_class.new('oldrev', 'newrev', project: project, env: env)
+        expect(rev_list).to be_valid
+      end
+      it "rejects values starting not with the project repo path" do
+        env = { "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES" => "/some/other/path" }
+        rev_list = described_class.new('oldrev', 'newrev', project: project, env: env)
+        expect(rev_list).not_to be_valid
+      end
+      it "rejects values containing the project repo path but not starting with it" do
+        env = { "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES" => "/some/other/path/#{project.repository.path_to_repo}" }
+        rev_list = described_class.new('oldrev', 'newrev', project: project, env: env)
+        expect(rev_list).not_to be_valid
+      end
+    end
   context "#execute" do
diff --git a/spec/validators/git_environment_variables_validator_spec.rb b/spec/validators/git_environment_variables_validator_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 81b028b6572af92a47213d07e65e661864c0620b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/spec/validators/git_environment_variables_validator_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-shared_examples_for "validated git environment variables" do |record_fn| 
-  subject { GitEnvironmentVariablesValidator.new(attributes: ['env']) }
-  let(:project) { create(:project) }
-  context "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" do
-    it "accepts values starting with the project repo path" do
-      env = { "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" => "#{project.repository.path_to_repo}/objects" }
-      record = record_fn[env, project]
-      subject.validate_each(record, 'env', env)
-      expect(record).to be_valid, "expected #{project.repository.path_to_repo}"
-    end
-    it "rejects values starting not with the project repo path" do
-      env = { "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" => "/some/other/path" }
-      record = record_fn[env, project]
-      subject.validate_each(record, 'env', env)
-      expect(record).to be_invalid
-    end
-    it "rejects values containing the project repo path but not starting with it" do
-      env = { "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" => "/some/other/path/#{project.repository.path_to_repo}" }
-      record = record_fn[env, project]
-      subject.validate_each(record, 'env', env)
-      expect(record).to be_invalid
-    end
-  end
-    it "accepts values starting with the project repo path" do
-      env = { "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES" => project.repository.path_to_repo }
-      record = record_fn[env, project]
-      subject.validate_each(record, 'env', env)
-      expect(record).to be_valid, "expected #{project.repository.path_to_repo}"
-    end
-    it "rejects values starting not with the project repo path" do
-      env = { "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES" => "/some/other/path" }
-      record = record_fn[env, project]
-      subject.validate_each(record, 'env', env)
-      expect(record).to be_invalid
-    end
-    it "rejects values containing the project repo path but not starting with it" do
-      env = { "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES" => "/some/other/path/#{project.repository.path_to_repo}" }
-      record = record_fn[env, project]
-      subject.validate_each(record, 'env', env)
-      expect(record).to be_invalid
-    end
-  end