diff --git a/doc/development/fe_guide/style_guide_js.md b/doc/development/fe_guide/style_guide_js.md
index 034cfe73d338450f5f3c17242756ccaebe1c3e77..abd241c0bc81bae2996fcc6e0b387b413afc48d6 100644
--- a/doc/development/fe_guide/style_guide_js.md
+++ b/doc/development/fe_guide/style_guide_js.md
@@ -200,7 +200,6 @@ See [our current .eslintrc][eslintrc] for specific rules and patterns.
 #### Naming
 - **Extensions**: Use `.vue` extension for Vue components.
 - **Reference Naming**: Use PascalCase for Vue components and camelCase for their instances:
   // bad
   import cardBoard from 'cardBoard';
@@ -218,15 +217,23 @@ See [our current .eslintrc][eslintrc] for specific rules and patterns.
     cardBoard: CardBoard
-- **Props Naming**: Avoid using DOM component prop names.
+- **Props Naming:**
+- Avoid using DOM component prop names.
+- Use kebab-case instead of camelCase to provide props in templates.
   // bad
   <component class="btn">
   // good
-  <component cssClass="btn">
-  ```
+  <component css-class="btn">
+  // bad
+  <component myProp="prop" />
+  // good
+  <component my-prop="prop" />
 #### Alignment
 - Follow these alignment styles for the template method: