diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project.light.json b/spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project.light.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a78836c3c3456314c53fbc595c5a9a01184d6061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project.light.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+  "description": "Nisi et repellendus ut enim quo accusamus vel magnam.",
+  "visibility_level": 10,
+  "archived": false,
+  "labels": [
+    {
+      "id": 2,
+      "title": "test2",
+      "color": "#428bca",
+      "project_id": 8,
+      "created_at": "2016-07-22T08:55:44.161Z",
+      "updated_at": "2016-07-22T08:55:44.161Z",
+      "template": false,
+      "description": "",
+      "type": "ProjectLabel",
+      "priorities": [
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 3,
+      "title": "test3",
+      "color": "#428bca",
+      "group_id": 8,
+      "created_at": "2016-07-22T08:55:44.161Z",
+      "updated_at": "2016-07-22T08:55:44.161Z",
+      "template": false,
+      "description": "",
+      "project_id": null,
+      "type": "GroupLabel",
+      "priorities": [
+        {
+          "id": 1,
+          "project_id": 5,
+          "label_id": 1,
+          "priority": 1,
+          "created_at": "2016-10-18T09:35:43.338Z",
+          "updated_at": "2016-10-18T09:35:43.338Z"
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
+  "snippets": [
+  ],
+  "hooks": [
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project_tree_restorer_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project_tree_restorer_spec.rb
index 0af13ba8e47319fc65577d99c7be4f750a07f8f5..0eefb450f37617208576f5bde4b03ecc6d52bb5d 100644
--- a/spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project_tree_restorer_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/project_tree_restorer_spec.rb
@@ -3,24 +3,27 @@ include ImportExport::CommonUtil
 describe Gitlab::ImportExport::ProjectTreeRestorer, services: true do
   describe 'restore project tree' do
-    let(:user) { create(:user) }
-    let(:namespace) { create(:namespace, owner: user) }
-    let(:shared) { Gitlab::ImportExport::Shared.new(relative_path: "", project_path: 'path') }
-    let!(:project) { create(:empty_project, :builds_disabled, :issues_disabled, name: 'project', path: 'project') }
-    let(:project_tree_restorer) { described_class.new(user: user, shared: shared, project: project) }
-    let(:restored_project_json) { project_tree_restorer.restore }
+    before(:all) do
+      user = create(:user)
+      RSpec::Mocks.with_temporary_scope do
+        @shared = Gitlab::ImportExport::Shared.new(relative_path: "", project_path: 'path')
+        allow(@shared).to receive(:export_path).and_return('spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/')
+        project = create(:empty_project, :builds_disabled, :issues_disabled, name: 'project', path: 'project')
+        project_tree_restorer = described_class.new(user: user, shared: @shared, project: project)
+        @restored_project_json = project_tree_restorer.restore
+      end
+    end
     before do
-      allow(shared).to receive(:export_path).and_return('spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/')
     context 'JSON' do
       it 'restores models based on JSON' do
-        expect(restored_project_json).to be true
+        expect(@restored_project_json).to be true
       it 'restore correct project features' do
-        restored_project_json
         project = Project.find_by_path('project')
         expect(project.project_feature.issues_access_level).to eq(ProjectFeature::DISABLED)
@@ -31,62 +34,42 @@ describe Gitlab::ImportExport::ProjectTreeRestorer, services: true do
       it 'has the same label associated to two issues' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(ProjectLabel.find_by_title('test2').issues.count).to eq(2)
       it 'has milestones associated to two separate issues' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(Milestone.find_by_description('test milestone').issues.count).to eq(2)
       it 'creates a valid pipeline note' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(Ci::Pipeline.first.notes).not_to be_empty
       it 'restores pipelines with missing ref' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(Ci::Pipeline.where(ref: nil)).not_to be_empty
       it 'restores the correct event with symbolised data' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(Event.where.not(data: nil).first.data[:ref]).not_to be_empty
       it 'preserves updated_at on issues' do
-        restored_project_json
         issue = Issue.where(description: 'Aliquam enim illo et possimus.').first
         expect(issue.reload.updated_at.to_s).to eq('2016-06-14 15:02:47 UTC')
       it 'contains the merge access levels on a protected branch' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(ProtectedBranch.first.merge_access_levels).not_to be_empty
       it 'contains the push access levels on a protected branch' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(ProtectedBranch.first.push_access_levels).not_to be_empty
       context 'event at forth level of the tree' do
         let(:event) { Event.where(title: 'test levels').first }
-        before do
-          restored_project_json
-        end
         it 'restores the event' do
           expect(event).not_to be_nil
@@ -99,77 +82,44 @@ describe Gitlab::ImportExport::ProjectTreeRestorer, services: true do
       it 'has the correct data for merge request st_diffs' do
         # makes sure we are renaming the custom method +utf8_st_diffs+ into +st_diffs+
-        expect { restored_project_json }.to change(MergeRequestDiff.where.not(st_diffs: nil), :count).by(9)
+        expect(MergeRequestDiff.where.not(st_diffs: nil).count).to eq(9)
       it 'has labels associated to label links, associated to issues' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(Label.first.label_links.first.target).not_to be_nil
       it 'has project labels' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(ProjectLabel.count).to eq(2)
       it 'has no group labels' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(GroupLabel.count).to eq(0)
-      context 'with group' do
-        let!(:project) do
-          create(:empty_project,
-                 :builds_disabled,
-                 :issues_disabled,
-                 name: 'project',
-                 path: 'project',
-                 group: create(:group))
-        end
-        it 'has group labels' do
-          restored_project_json
-          expect(GroupLabel.count).to eq(1)
-        end
-        it 'has label priorities' do
-          restored_project_json
-          expect(GroupLabel.first.priorities).not_to be_empty
-        end
-      end
       it 'has a project feature' do
-        restored_project_json
-        expect(project.project_feature).not_to be_nil
+        expect(Project.first.project_feature).not_to be_nil
       it 'restores the correct service' do
-        restored_project_json
         expect(CustomIssueTrackerService.first).not_to be_nil
       context 'Merge requests' do
         before do
-          restored_project_json
+          @restored_project_json
         it 'always has the new project as a target' do
-          expect(MergeRequest.find_by_title('MR1').target_project).to eq(project)
+          expect(MergeRequest.find_by_title('MR1').target_project).to eq(Project.first)
         it 'has the same source project as originally if source/target are the same' do
-          expect(MergeRequest.find_by_title('MR1').source_project).to eq(project)
+          expect(MergeRequest.find_by_title('MR1').source_project).to eq(Project.first)
         it 'has the new project as target if source/target differ' do
-          expect(MergeRequest.find_by_title('MR2').target_project).to eq(project)
+          expect(MergeRequest.find_by_title('MR2').target_project).to eq(Project.first)
         it 'has no source if source/target differ' do
@@ -177,39 +127,71 @@ describe Gitlab::ImportExport::ProjectTreeRestorer, services: true do
-      context 'project.json file access check' do
-        it 'does not read a symlink' do
-          Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir|
-            setup_symlink(tmpdir, 'project.json')
-            allow(shared).to receive(:export_path).and_call_original
-            restored_project_json
+      context 'tokens are regenerated' do
+        it 'has a new CI trigger token' do
+          expect(Ci::Trigger.where(token: 'cdbfasdf44a5958c83654733449e585')).to be_empty
+        end
-            expect(shared.errors.first).not_to include('test')
-          end
+        it 'has a new CI build token' do
+          expect(Ci::Build.where(token: 'abcd')).to be_empty
+    end
+  end
-      context 'when there is an existing build with build token' do
-        it 'restores project json correctly' do
-          create(:ci_build, token: 'abcd')
+  context 'Light JSON' do
+    let(:user) { create(:user) }
+    let(:shared) { Gitlab::ImportExport::Shared.new(relative_path: "", project_path: 'path') }
+    let!(:project) { create(:empty_project, :builds_disabled, :issues_disabled, name: 'project', path: 'project') }
+    let(:project_tree_restorer) { described_class.new(user: user, shared: shared, project: project) }
+    let(:restored_project_json) { project_tree_restorer.restore }
-          expect(restored_project_json).to be true
-        end
-      end
+    before do
+      allow(ImportExport).to receive(:project_filename).and_return('project.light.json')
+      allow(shared).to receive(:export_path).and_return('spec/lib/gitlab/import_export/')
+    end
+    context 'project.json file access check' do
+      it 'does not read a symlink' do
+        Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir|
+          setup_symlink(tmpdir, 'project.json')
+          allow(shared).to receive(:export_path).and_call_original
-      context 'tokens are regenerated' do
-        before do
-        end
-        it 'has a new CI trigger token' do
-          expect(Ci::Trigger.where(token: 'cdbfasdf44a5958c83654733449e585')).to be_empty
+          expect(shared.errors.first).not_to include('test')
+      end
+    end
-        it 'has a new CI build token' do
-          expect(Ci::Build.where(token: 'abcd')).to be_empty
-        end
+    context 'when there is an existing build with build token' do
+      it 'restores project json correctly' do
+        create(:ci_build, token: 'abcd')
+        expect(restored_project_json).to be true
+      end
+    end
+    context 'with group' do
+      let!(:project) do
+        create(:empty_project,
+               :builds_disabled,
+               :issues_disabled,
+               name: 'project',
+               path: 'project',
+               group: create(:group))
+      end
+      before do
+        restored_project_json
+      end
+      it 'has group labels' do
+        expect(GroupLabel.count).to eq(1)
+      end
+      it 'has label priorities' do
+        expect(GroupLabel.first.priorities).not_to be_empty