require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Metrics::Transaction do let(:transaction) { } describe '#duration' do it 'returns the duration of a transaction in seconds' do { sleep(0.5) } expect(transaction.duration).to be >= 0.5 end end describe '#allocated_memory' do it 'returns the allocated memory in bytes' do { 'a' * 32 } expect(transaction.allocated_memory).to be_a_kind_of(Numeric) end end describe '#run' do it 'yields the supplied block' do expect { |b| }.to yield_control end it 'stores the transaction in the current thread' do do expect(Thread.current[described_class::THREAD_KEY]).to eq(transaction) end end it 'removes the transaction from the current thread upon completion' do { } expect(Thread.current[described_class::THREAD_KEY]).to be_nil end end describe '#add_metric' do it 'adds a metric to the transaction' do expect(Gitlab::Metrics::Metric).to receive(:new). with('rails_foo', { number: 10 }, {}) transaction.add_metric('foo', number: 10) end end describe '#method_call_for' do it 'returns a MethodCall' do method = transaction.method_call_for('Foo#bar') expect(method).to be_an_instance_of(Gitlab::Metrics::MethodCall) end end describe '#increment' do it 'increments a counter' do transaction.increment(:time, 1) transaction.increment(:time, 2) values = { duration: 0.0, time: 3, allocated_memory: a_kind_of(Numeric) } expect(transaction).to receive(:add_metric). with('transactions', values, {}) transaction.track_self end end describe '#set' do it 'sets a value' do transaction.set(:number, 10) values = { duration: 0.0, number: 10, allocated_memory: a_kind_of(Numeric) } expect(transaction).to receive(:add_metric). with('transactions', values, {}) transaction.track_self end end describe '#add_tag' do it 'adds a tag' do transaction.add_tag(:foo, 'bar') expect(transaction.tags).to eq({ foo: 'bar' }) end end describe '#finish' do it 'tracks the transaction details and submits them to Sidekiq' do expect(transaction).to receive(:track_self) expect(transaction).to receive(:submit) transaction.finish end end describe '#track_self' do it 'adds a metric for the transaction itself' do values = { duration: transaction.duration, allocated_memory: a_kind_of(Numeric) } expect(transaction).to receive(:add_metric). with('transactions', values, {}) transaction.track_self end end describe '#submit' do it 'submits the metrics to Sidekiq' do transaction.track_self expect(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:submit_metrics). with([an_instance_of(Hash)]) transaction.submit end it 'adds the action as a tag for every metric' do transaction.action = 'Foo#bar' transaction.track_self hash = { series: 'rails_transactions', tags: { action: 'Foo#bar' }, values: { duration: 0.0, allocated_memory: a_kind_of(Numeric) }, timestamp: an_instance_of(Integer) } expect(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:submit_metrics). with([hash]) transaction.submit end it 'does not add an action tag for events' do transaction.action = 'Foo#bar' transaction.add_event(:meow) hash = { series: 'events', tags: { event: :meow }, values: { count: 1 }, timestamp: an_instance_of(Integer) } expect(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:submit_metrics). with([hash]) transaction.submit end end describe '#add_event' do it 'adds a metric' do transaction.add_event(:meow) expect(transaction.metrics[0]).to be_an_instance_of(Gitlab::Metrics::Metric) end it "does not prefix the metric's series name" do transaction.add_event(:meow) metric = transaction.metrics[0] expect(metric.series).to eq(described_class::EVENT_SERIES) end it 'tracks a counter for every event' do transaction.add_event(:meow) metric = transaction.metrics[0] expect(metric.values).to eq(count: 1) end it 'tracks the event name' do transaction.add_event(:meow) metric = transaction.metrics[0] expect(metric.tags).to eq(event: :meow) end it 'allows tracking of custom tags' do transaction.add_event(:meow, animal: 'cat') metric = transaction.metrics[0] expect(metric.tags).to eq(event: :meow, animal: 'cat') end end end