assign is reset when an issue is updated
We use kanban in your team with gitlab, great tool !
But we have a small problem : when we update an issue, the assignee parameter is changed to null and disappear form the user's board.
The configuration we use in docker container :
- Gitlab-CE : 8.14.1
- Kanban : 1.7.0
- Redis : 1.0.0
We have the problem in the previous version of Kanban (1.1.0) when we update to the last major version of gitlab.
After the update of kanban, the problem is still here :/
thanks for your help !
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Hi everyone,
Same problem here.
Any idea ?
Hi, the same problem here.
Assignee and Milestone get often lost when I update the Due date / Priority or when I just move the issue between lanes.
Btw. I quickly checked the last commits and found a suspicious change in src/board/services/board.service.js on lines 104, 105:
assignee_id: card.assignee ? : 0, milestone_id: card.milestone ? : 0,
- username-removed-524511 mentioned in merge request !103 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !103 (merged)
- username-removed-48059 closed via merge request !103 (merged)
closed via merge request !103 (merged)
- Author
Thank guys for the solution !
- username-removed-48059 added KB[stage][4][Testing] label
added KB[stage][4][Testing] label
- username-removed-48059 changed milestone to %1.7.1
changed milestone to %1.7.1
- Maintainer
moved issue from Backlog to Testing
- Maintainer
Fixed it in release 1.7.1
Hi, we've updated to 1.7.1 but bug still here.
Is this normal that there is not any change on board.service.js in this release ?
- Maintainer
I checked the file. In fact, i've the bug fix in board.service.js but still the bug ....
- Maintainer
Try to reproduce problem for new issue. May be problem in for old issue.
When i move an issue to an other step the issue move to the right step but become unassigned
- Maintainer
What gitlab version you are use?
- Maintainer
Please create screen for request params.
- Maintainer
Very strange.
Your request doesn't have assignee_id params, this params what assigned to card.
We try to reproduce this bug with gitlab:8.14.5 and haven't this result.
Issue already have assignee, before move?
You are assignee user and then move?
I had the same issue and I can confirm, that 1.7.1 solves it for us.
Hi @f.bruniaux ,
- Please check if you got any 404 (full reload the page)
- Check whether it works for newly created issue
- Check gitlab db consistency, see below
- I encoutered a gitlab bug that is related to this one while fixing it.
You can't update (even in gitlab) an issue that has a bad assignee_id=0. To verify this
- sudo -u gitlab-psql psql -h /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql -d gitlabhq_production
- SELECT * FROM issues WHERE assignee_id=0;
Edited by username-removed-524511@cnam812, yes issue has already an assignee. I tried various scenarios :
- i'm the assignee, i move to an other step -> unassigned
- an other user is the assignee, i move to an other step -> unassigned
@RalfEggert ok thanks. So the problem should be in our config. Can it be linked to the fact it runs with a docker ?
@Bethuys thx I'll try your solutions.
- Author
I try your solutions without success but I notice the version of kanban image in the docker-compose.yml wasn't updated to 1.7.1
The update of the docker-composer file resolv the problem.
Would you I make a merge request ? If yes, how can I do it ?
- Maintainer
Hello @GuillaumB
Thank you for feedback, we update docker-compose.yml
On the feature: documentation for contributing