@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ TODO: Link to Diff with the start of the quarter
* VP Eng: Lower latency in application
* Discussion: Solve performance issues. Reduce p95 of [discussion-related actions](https://performance.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/daily-overview?orgId=1) with over 10 hits/day to < 1 s. Reduce p99 to < 3 s.
* Platform: Solve performance issues. Reduce p95 of [platform-related actions](https://performance.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/daily-overview?orgId=1) with over 10 hits/day to < 1 s. Reduce p99 to < 3 s.
* Frontend: Manual performance audit. Implement Top 3 things of assessment (Loading, Localstorage, Library Updates, ..)
* Frontend: [Manual performance audit](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/33958). Implement Top 3 things of assessment (Loading, Localstorage, Library Updates, ..)
* Frontend: Package optimisation and [CDN Hosting for .com](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/issues/57)