Something went wrong while setting issue due date.
Still not able to make it work.
I am a little lost because, I am used to jekyll.
I took the logarion.toml from the git repo and created a copy in my $HOME/.config/logarion.
title = "Logarion test"
owner = "cedlemo"
email = ""
# Generate UUID using `uuidgen` or
uuid = "eceqsksd7f-55fc-4020-a815-ec336530df0db"
repository = "/home/cedlemo/Projets/OCaml/logarion_test"
then I tool the "web.toml" that I copied in my $HOME/.config/logarion without modification.
url = "http://localhost:3666"
stylesheets = [ "main.css" ]
static_dir = "share/static"
dir = "share/html_templates"
header = "header.mustache"
note = "note.mustache"
front = "frontpage.mustache"
list = "list.mustache"
item = "item.mustache"
then I did:
cd home/cedlemo/Projets/OCaml
> logarion_cli init
created repository: /home/cedlemo/Projets/OCaml/logarion_test
> ls -a logarion_test/
./ ../
> logarion_webserver
Error 0: share/static is not a directory
Error 1: share/static/main.css is not a file
A step by step example in the after the install part would be great for slow people like me.