Bootstrapping F-Droid from a friend screen
Currently, we just throw the user who scanned the QR code to the Add repo screen and prefill that info. What I really need it to do is show the "Welcome to F-Droid!" screen that carrie mocked up. This will be a pretty UI which does the exact same thing as the "add repo" screen does, but without showing the bland UI to them.
One of the catches is it needs to somehow know the name of the device which initiated the swap to display it. Curretnnly, we only get that information after a repo has been added and it has been updated (i.e. the "name" of the device is in the repo metadata. Not quite sure the best/safest way to do this right now.
I don't believe it will be too dificult to use the existing methods in the UpdateRepo
/etc classes in order to perform this process. That is, create a new method called something like connectToSwap
which adds a repo, updates it, and then allows redirecting back to the main list of apps, and selecting the category which represents apps from the newly added swap.
This is not exactly what carrie had in mind with her (much nicer) mockups, but I think it would be a breat first step.