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Prioritized labels 4

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • priority:immediate
    PyCQA / flake8
    This bug requires a fix as quickly as possible and will usually merit a release that immediately follows its merging.
  • priority:high
    PyCQA / flake8
    This bug should be fixed before the next release so that it can be distributed as soon as possible. This may block the next release if it is not fixed.
  • priority:medium
    PyCQA / flake8
    This would be nice to have in one of the next couple releases but will not block the *next* release.
  • priority:low
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is a bug or feature that is not a priority for the core development team. It will not block future releases.
  • Other labels 36

  • bug:confirmed
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is a confirmed bug
  • bug:duplicate
    PyCQA / flake8
    This issue is a duplicate of the bug mentioned in the comment
  • bug:invalid
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is a bug report that has been determined to be invalid
  • bug:unconfirmed
    PyCQA / flake8
    A bug that has not been reproduced or confirmed by a core developer
  • component:docs
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is related to Flake8's documentation
  • component:legacy-api
    PyCQA / flake8
    This related to the Legacy API (flake8.api.legacy) implemented in Flake8 3.0 for backwards compatibility with 2.0
  • component:mccabe
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is related to the mccabe integration with Flake8 and may need to be reported to
  • component:multiprocessing
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is related to Flake8's use of multiprocessing for parallelism
  • component:performance
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is related to the performance of Flake8
  • component:pycodestyle
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is related to the pycodestyle (formerly pep8) integration with Flake8 and may need to be reported to
  • component:pyflakes
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is related to the pyflakes integration with Flake8 and may need to be reported to
  • This bug affects the setuptools integration point in Flake8
  • component:testing
    PyCQA / flake8
    This affects the automated testing portion of Flake8
  • component:vcs
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is related to the version control system integrations built into Flake8 only
  • confirmed-by:core
    PyCQA / flake8
    Bug was confirmed by a "core" collaborator on the project
  • confirmed-by:user
    PyCQA / flake8
    The bug was confirmed by another user
  • difficulty:experienced
    PyCQA / flake8
    This bug likely requires some prior experience with the Flake8 codebase
  • This is used to describe a task that should be appropriate for a new contributor to work on
  • feature:accepted
    PyCQA / flake8
    This is used to indicate that a new feature request has been accepted by the project team
  • feature:proposed
    PyCQA / flake8
    This designates a new feature that has not yet been accepted by the project team and thus may not be suitable to work on