Rapport de stage
Rédaction du rapport de stage effectué au LIRMM du 3 au 7 avril et du 30 mai au 7 juillet 2017 (total 176 heures, 5 semaines).
Pages liminaires
- Page de garde
- Remerciements
- Introduction
- Relecture
- Équipe MAREL
- Projet Arcus
- Avancement et reste à faire
- Relecture
Contenu du stage
- Introduction
- Diagramme de Gantt
- Base de données et SGBD
- Gestion des erreurs HTTP/Services
- Système de synchronisation
- Tests unitaires et intégration continue
- Relecture
Pages finales
- Conclusion
- Bibliographie (formattage)
- Relecture
Tâches générales
- Passage à l’auto-correcteur
- Vérification des liens morts
- Relecture complète
- Vérification du formattage (dépassements de boîte)
- Relecture tierce
- Show closed items
Newest first Oldest first
Show all activity Show comments only Show history only
- username-removed-1125143 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item LIRMM as completed
marked the checklist item LIRMM as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Équipe MAREL as completed
marked the checklist item Équipe MAREL as completed
- username-removed-1125143 added 1w of time spent
added 1w of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Projet Arcus as completed
marked the checklist item Projet Arcus as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Avancement et reste à faire as completed
marked the checklist item Avancement et reste à faire as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Avancement et reste à faire as incomplete
marked the checklist item Avancement et reste à faire as incomplete
- username-removed-1125141 marked the checklist item Diagramme de Gantt as completed
marked the checklist item Diagramme de Gantt as completed
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Remerciements as completed
marked the checklist item Remerciements as completed
- username-removed-1125143 added 3d of time spent
added 3d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Bibliographie (formattage) as completed
marked the checklist item Bibliographie (formattage) as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Base de données et SGBD as completed
marked the checklist item Base de données et SGBD as completed
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125141 marked the checklist item Gestion des erreurs HTTP/Services as completed
marked the checklist item Gestion des erreurs HTTP/Services as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as completed
marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as incomplete
marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as incomplete
- username-removed-1125143 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-1125141 marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as completed
marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as completed
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Relecture as completed
marked the checklist item Relecture as completed
- username-removed-1125143 added 2d of time spent
added 2d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Introduction as completed
marked the checklist item Introduction as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as incomplete
marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as incomplete
- username-removed-1125143 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-1125143 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Relecture as completed
marked the checklist item Relecture as completed
- username-removed-1125143 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Avancement et reste à faire as completed
marked the checklist item Avancement et reste à faire as completed
- username-removed-1125143 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as completed
marked the checklist item Système de synchronisation as completed
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Relecture complète as completed
marked the checklist item Relecture complète as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Tests unitaires et intégration continue as completed
marked the checklist item Tests unitaires et intégration continue as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Relecture as completed
marked the checklist item Relecture as completed
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Vérification des liens morts as completed
marked the checklist item Vérification des liens morts as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Relecture tierce as completed
marked the checklist item Relecture tierce as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Vérification du formattage (dépassements de boîte) as completed
marked the checklist item Vérification du formattage (dépassements de boîte) as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Conclusion as completed
marked the checklist item Conclusion as completed
- username-removed-1125143 added 1d of time spent
added 1d of time spent
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Relecture as completed
marked the checklist item Relecture as completed
- username-removed-1125143 marked the checklist item Passage à l’auto-correcteur as completed
marked the checklist item Passage à l’auto-correcteur as completed
- username-removed-1125143 closed