Hey @frankgerhardt all iOS apps are required to run on iPads. IPad optimised apps are advertised with iPad specific screenshots and documentation. I'm an indie iOS developer (I even quit my day job to bring you Trident). Trident is not advertised as iPad optimised (either on the App Store on the website).
I'm also using GitLab Control and there is quite some potential to be better. GitLabControl looks big and powerful at first but when using it there are many limitation so that using the web client on an iPad is not a bad option.
The whole point of an app for me is to have push notifications and offline mode for issues. That makes it really mobile and better than the web app. Anyway, I understand that you have't advertised it for iPads.
Thanks @frankgerhardt I'm working very hard on improving Trident, it's a good feature request but can't be a priority until the iPhone app is completed. Optimising for iPad support means I couldn't iterate fast enough on the app. Totally hear you on the push/offline support, these are a priority, the aim is to make it better than the web app - so any limitations you find for your work flow, I'd love to hear it!
I'd also like to see some iPad improvements. It doesn't seem to me like a huge step to implement it since our iOS guys also made an iPad version with little afford. So, once you find the time, it will be appreciated a lot ;)
I love the app by the way! ;)
@p0fi I hear you :) It's going to happen, not ignoring this feature request!
The iPad design I will think carefully about, iPad apps are harder to design than iPhone apps because there's more space available to you - choosing to use that space effectively is challenging.
Hey @frankgerhardt can you e-mail me, matt@somerobots.com if you're interested in beta testing a build with iPad support? I had a quick go enabling it, actually it works quite well! The layout isn't space optimized for the iPad (split view would make it much better), but at least this way the app runs on the iPad.