Missing projects
At least one of my 107 projects does not show up in the projects list.
Some info:
- I am owner of the project (via the group)
- The project is starred
- Other projects from the same group are listed
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
At least one of my 107 projects does not show up in the projects list.
Some info:
Milestone changed to Version 1.0 Public Release
Reassigned to @Freshcocoa
Ok, so I've looked more closely at this. Pagination for Project might be harder to implement than Issues/History unfortunately. What I've done in the next build is set a different page size though, hopefully the window is large enough to include your projects.
How are you retrieving the projects looking at the API docs myself I am not even seeing any pagination methods :)
If it is that hard it might be nice to open a issue with GitLab and propose a fix :D
Status changed to closed