Long branch or repository names break the UI
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- username-removed-247772 Title changed from Long branch names break the UI to Long branch or repository names break the UI
Title changed from Long branch names break the UI to Long branch or repository names break the UI
- username-removed-227724 Reassigned to @Freshcocoa
Reassigned to @Freshcocoa
- username-removed-227724 Milestone changed to Version 1.0 Public Release
Milestone changed to Version 1.0 Public Release
- username-removed-227724 Added Bug label
Added Bug label
- username-removed-227724 Status changed to closed
Status changed to closed
- Author
Is this fix included in Build 78? If so, it isn't fixing the problem...
- Owner
is it possible you can attach another screenshot?
- AuthorEdited by username-removed-247772
- Owner
Agh, thanks! I've not clipped it to enough characters yet! Looks like 9 on the left and right should do it.
- Author
Perfect, works great now in Build 82! Thanks!
- username-removed-247772 Status changed to reopened
Status changed to reopened
- Author
just a small glitch: if the project name is for example
the name gets clipped at 11 characters and is shown astrident-tes..
. However in this case, where the project name is only 12 characters long, it could be displayed in full length as the 12th char is as long as the two dots...my suggestion would be:
if string.length > 12 then return string.clip(11) + ".." else return string
(pseudo code)
- Owner
Done :)
- Author
Works in latest beta! Thanks! :-)
- username-removed-247772 Status changed to closed
Status changed to closed