Matlab (.m) files are incorrectly flagged as Objective-C
Some files, like .yml are tagged as "Unknown" whereas matlab files, with .m extension are incorrectly tagged as Objective-C language when previewing a file.
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
Some files, like .yml are tagged as "Unknown" whereas matlab files, with .m extension are incorrectly tagged as Objective-C language when previewing a file.
Agh, yeah I guess this is going to happen, darn you matlab for taking objective-C's .m file extension.
It's possible I could add a over-ride, so if it's matching incorrectly you can say, for *.m files use matlab syntax highlighting.
Yeah that could be nice I guess.
I would say change the default to Matlab.
If the app was written in Matlab, ok :) Until then, it defaults to Objective-C.
Milestone changed to Backlog
Reassigned to @matthew.wilkinson