Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
Web, App and Tech uncomplicated
Font Awesome icons compiled with base64 embedded font to CSS instead of link to font files.
Material Icons compiled with base64 embedded font to CSS instead of link to font files.
Minimalist Approach User Interface
Material Design Lite package complete, simple and easy to use for web projects, compiled from original Google resources.
Simple JS module for Promise and Fetch APIs, with some abstraction and polyfills to support all browsers
Simple JS module to parse/serialize HTTP query/params, useful for Fetch API or AJAX requests
Simple JS module to generate random keys in various formats, including UUID
A dead simple, fast and objective CLI package manager for anything without dependencies
Simple dynamic JS datasource object, useful to combine with observables like Vue
Simple JS module to check types more concisely
JavaScript module to parallel process data by dynamic multi-thread workers