Fluent Mailer
Module for sending emails via smtp with fluent interface
Add into Web.config/app.config standart system.net/mailSettings configuration.
For example:
<smtp from="qwerty@qwerty.com">
<network enableSsl="true" host="smtp.qwerty.com" port="587" userName="qwerty@qwerty.com" password="qwertyqwerty" />
Prepare Fluent Mailer Resolving
For now you have two ways to resolve Fluent Mailer Instance:
- Register Fluent Mailer dependencies in Unity (using FluentMailer.Unity package)
var unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
Now, you can resolve Fluent Mailer through Unity:
public class SomeService
private readonly IFluentMailer _fluentMailer;
public SomeService(IFluentMailer fluentMailer)
_fluentMailer = fluentMailer;
public void SendMessage()
// Using _fluentMailer here
- Resolve Fluent Mailer through a static factory (using FluentMailer.Factory package)
var fluentMailer = FluentMailerFactory.Create();
Additionally, you can configure resolving Fluent Mailer through a static factory for you dependency injection container. Example for NInject:
Bind<IFluentMailer>.ToMethod(context => FluentMailerFactory.Create())
Using Fluent Mailer
1. Create Message
var message = _fluentMailer.CreateMessage();
2. Configure Message Body
With view
var mailSender = message.WithView("~/Views/Mailer/Mail.cshtml");
With view and model
var model = new MailModel();
var mailSender = message.WithView("~/Views/Mailer/Mail.cshtml", model);
With view body
var mailSender = message.WithViewBody("<html><body>Test message</body></html>");
3. Configure Other Message Properties
Adding receivers
mailSender.WithReceiver("abc@abc.com"); // Adds abc@abc.com to recievers
mailSender.WithReceivers(new [] {"bcd@bcd.com", "cde@cde.com"}); // Adds bcd@bcd.com and cde@cde.com to receivers too
mailSender.WithReceivers("def@def.com", "efg@efg.com"); // Finally, adds def@def.com and efg@efg.com to receivers
Setting Up Subject
mailSender.WithSubject("Mail subject");
Adding attachments
var fstream = new FileStream(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/1.docx", FileMode.Open);
mailSender.WithAttachment(fstream, "document.docx")
4. Send Mail
await mailSender.SendAsync();
Fluent Interface
You can do all of it in one move
await _fluentMailer.CreateMessage()
.WithViewBody("<html><body>Test message</body></html>")
.WithReceivers("abc@abc.com", "bcd@bcd.com")
.WithSubject("Mail subject")