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Unverified Commit 3feafed5 authored by Parker Moore's avatar Parker Moore
Browse files

Release :gem: 3.6.0

parent fb9c3b73
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### Development Fixes
* Strip unnecessary leading whitespace in template (#6228)
* Users should be installing patch versions. (#6198)
* fix tests (#6240)
* Define path with __dir__ (#6087)
* exit site.process sooner (#6239)
* make flakey test more robust (#6277)
* Add a quick test for DataReader (#6284)
* script/backport-pr: commit message no longer includes the `#` (#6289)
* Add Add CODEOWNERS file to help automate reviews. (#6320)
* Fix builds on codeclimate (#6333)
* Bump rubies on Travis (#6366)
## 3.6.0 / 2017-09-21
### Minor Enhancements
@@ -26,22 +12,22 @@
* Allow `yield` to logger methods & bail early on no-op messages (#6315)
* Update mime-types. (#6336)
* Use a Schwartzian transform with custom sorting (#6342)
* Alias Drop#invoke_drop to Drop#[] (#6338)
* Alias `Drop#invoke_drop` to `Drop#[]` (#6338)
### Bug Fixes
* `Deprecator`: fix typo for `--serve` command (#6229)
* `Reader#read_directories`: guard against an entry not being a directory (#6226)
* kramdown: symbolize keys in-place (#6247)
* Call to_s on site.url before attempting to concatenate strings (#6253)
* Call `to_s` on site.url before attempting to concatenate strings (#6253)
* Enforce Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment (#6265)
* Update theme-template README to note 'assets' directory (#6257)
* Memoize the return value of Document#url (#6266)
* Memoize the return value of `Document#url` (#6266)
* delegate `StaticFile#to_json` to `StaticFile#to_liquid` (#6273)
* Fix Drop#key? so it can handle a nil argument (#6281)
* Fix `Drop#key?` so it can handle a nil argument (#6281)
* Guard against type error in absolute url (#6280)
* Mutable drops should fallback to their own methods when a mutation isn't present (#6350)
* skip adding binary files as posts (#6344)
* Skip adding binary files as posts (#6344)
* Don't break if bundler is not installed (#6377)
### Documentation
@@ -72,6 +58,21 @@
* Customizing url in collection elements clarified (#6264)
* Plugins is the new gems (#6326)
### Development Fixes
* Strip unnecessary leading whitespace in template (#6228)
* Users should be installing patch versions. (#6198)
* Fix tests (#6240)
* Define path with `__dir__` (#6087)
* exit site.process sooner (#6239)
* make flakey test more robust (#6277)
* Add a quick test for DataReader (#6284)
* script/backport-pr: commit message no longer includes the `#` (#6289)
* Add Add CODEOWNERS file to help automate reviews. (#6320)
* Fix builds on codeclimate (#6333)
* Bump rubies on Travis (#6366)
## 3.5.2 / 2017-08-12
### Bug Fixes
title: Code of Conduct
permalink: "/docs/code_of_conduct/"
note: This file is autogenerated. Edit /CODE_OF_CONDUCT.markdown instead.
redirect_from: "/conduct/index.html"
editable: false
As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of
fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who
contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating
documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free
experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender
identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance,
body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery
* Personal attacks
* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic
addresses, without explicit permission
* Other unethical or unprofessional conduct
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to
fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing
this project. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of
Conduct may be permanently removed from the project team.
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by opening an issue or contacting a project maintainer. All complaints
will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed
necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. Maintainers are obligated to
maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 1.3.0, available at
@@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ Hi there! Interested in contributing to Jekyll? We'd love your help. Jekyll is a
## Where to get help or report a problem
* If you have a question about using Jekyll, start a discussion on [Jekyll Talk](
* If you think you've found a bug within a Jekyll plugin, open an issue in that plugin's repository.
* If you think you've found a bug within Jekyll itself, [open an issue](
* More resources are listed on our [Help page](
See [the support guidelines](
## Ways to contribute
@@ -4,6 +4,87 @@ permalink: "/docs/history/"
note: This file is autogenerated. Edit /History.markdown instead.
## 3.6.0 / 2017-09-21
{: #v3-6-0}
### Minor Enhancements
{: #minor-enhancements-v3-6-0}
- Ignore final newline in folded YAML string ([#6054]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6054))
- Add URL checks to Doctor ([#5760]({{ site.repository }}/issues/5760))
- Fix serving files that clash with directories ([#6222]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6222)) ([#6231]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6231))
- Bump supported Ruby version to `>= 2.1.0` ([#6220]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6220))
- set `LiquidError#template_name` for errors in included file ([#6206]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6206))
- Access custom config array throughout session ([#6200]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6200))
- Add support for Rouge 2, in addition to Rouge 1 ([#5919]({{ site.repository }}/issues/5919))
- Allow `yield` to logger methods & bail early on no-op messages ([#6315]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6315))
- Update mime-types. ([#6336]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6336))
- Use a Schwartzian transform with custom sorting ([#6342]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6342))
- Alias `Drop#invoke_drop` to `Drop#[]` ([#6338]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6338))
### Bug Fixes
{: #bug-fixes-v3-6-0}
- `Deprecator`: fix typo for `--serve` command ([#6229]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6229))
- `Reader#read_directories`: guard against an entry not being a directory ([#6226]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6226))
- kramdown: symbolize keys in-place ([#6247]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6247))
- Call `to_s` on site.url before attempting to concatenate strings ([#6253]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6253))
- Enforce Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment ([#6265]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6265))
- Update theme-template README to note &[#39]({{ site.repository }}/issues/39);assets&[#39]({{ site.repository }}/issues/39); directory ([#6257]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6257))
- Memoize the return value of `Document#url` ([#6266]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6266))
- delegate `StaticFile#to_json` to `StaticFile#to_liquid` ([#6273]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6273))
- Fix `Drop#key?` so it can handle a nil argument ([#6281]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6281))
- Guard against type error in absolute url ([#6280]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6280))
- Mutable drops should fallback to their own methods when a mutation isn&[#39]({{ site.repository }}/issues/39);t present ([#6350]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6350))
- Skip adding binary files as posts ([#6344]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6344))
- Don&[#39]({{ site.repository }}/issues/39);t break if bundler is not installed ([#6377]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6377))
### Documentation
- Fix a typo in `` ([#6218]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6218))
- Docs: fix links to issues in History.markdown ([#6255]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6255))
- Update deprecated gems key to plugins. ([#6262]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6262))
- Fixes minor typo in post text ([#6283]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6283))
- Execute build command using bundle. ([#6274]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6274))
- name unification - buddy details ([#6317]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6317))
- name unification - application index ([#6318]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6318))
- trim and relocate plugin info across docs ([#6311]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6311))
- update Jekyll&[#39]({{ site.repository }}/issues/39);s README ([#6321]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6321))
- add SUPPORT file for GitHub ([#6324]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6324))
- Rename CODE_OF_CONDUCT to show in banner ([#6325]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6325))
- Docs : illustrate for a collection&[#39]({{ site.repository }}/issues/39);s document ([#6329]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6329))
- Docs: post&[#39]({{ site.repository }}/issues/39);s date can be overriden in YAML front matter ([#6334]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6334))
- Docs: `site.url` behavior on development and production environments ([#6270]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6270))
- Fix typo in site.url section of :-[ ([#6337]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6337))
- Docs: updates ([#6343]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6343))
- Fix precedence docs ([#6346]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6346))
- add note to contributing docs about `script/console` ([#6349]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6349))
- Docs: Fix permalink example ([#6375]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6375))
### Site Enhancements
{: #site-enhancements-v3-6-0}
- Adding DevKit helpers ([#6225]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6225))
- Customizing url in collection elements clarified ([#6264]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6264))
- Plugins is the new gems ([#6326]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6326))
### Development Fixes
{: #development-fixes-v3-6-0}
- Strip unnecessary leading whitespace in template ([#6228]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6228))
- Users should be installing patch versions. ([#6198]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6198))
- Fix tests ([#6240]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6240))
- Define path with `__dir__` ([#6087]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6087))
- exit site.process sooner ([#6239]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6239))
- make flakey test more robust ([#6277]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6277))
- Add a quick test for DataReader ([#6284]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6284))
- script/backport-pr: commit message no longer includes the `#` ([#6289]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6289))
- Add Add CODEOWNERS file to help automate reviews. ([#6320]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6320))
- Fix builds on codeclimate ([#6333]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6333))
- Bump rubies on Travis ([#6366]({{ site.repository }}/issues/6366))
## 3.5.2 / 2017-08-12
{: #v3-5-2}
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Jekyll
VERSION = "3.6.0.pre.beta1".freeze
VERSION = "3.6.0".freeze
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