Satisfactory solution to prey firing weapons
The mod offers no satisfactory weapon damage / force calculation for weapons shot in the stomach; Currently a fixed amount of damage is dealt by the prey to the predator and neighboring preys, regardless of the weapon being shot or whether it's primary or secondary fire. Further more only projectile weapons deal any damage to begin with, whereas hitscan weapons go right through the predator as if they aren't even there! I see three possible approaches to refractoring this system:
- The harder but most realistic solution would be to let projectiles immediately explode upon being shot in a stomach, but include custom cvars for all weapons defining vore damages and forces (eg: "g_balance_devastator_damage_pred") then check which weapon is being shot and read the appropriate cvar using cvar(strcat("g_balance_", weapon_name, "_damage_pred")). Unfortunately this only fixes part of the problem; Luckily we can know the name of the weapon the projectile belongs to, but we can't know whether it was a primary or alternate fire shot, nor might we be able to spawn the particle and sound effects specific to that projectile. This also doesn't offer a fix for hitscan weapons being completely ignored by the system, which there is no known solution to from within the mod.
- The easier but less fun solution is to block all weapons from firing in the stomach. This saves us from having to analyze data that's hard to get, but isn't as interesting and exciting as being able to shoot your weapons as prey. I believe that in Vore Tournament 0.7.0, the Grabber automatically used the melee attack for prey... so an additional compromise would be going back to this approach and replacing weapon fire with a melee strike, if all weapon animations allow it.
- Do nothing: Let all weapons fire and don't immediately explode the projectiles either, even if the shooter is inside a stomach. However this would be completely unrealistic! I can only think of one way to somewhat improve on that: Have the projectiles spawn from the predator's mouth instead (insinuating they're coughing them up)... we should be able to modify the projectile's origin and velocity to achieve this, but that would not offer solutions for hitscan weapons.