print('Missing package(s) for %s: %s'%(SCRIPT_NAME,message))
# script options
'display_no_help':['on','display "No help" when command is not found'],
'start_on_load':['off','auto start help when script is loaded'],
'stop_on_enter':['on','enter key stop help'],
'timer':['0','number of seconds help is displayed (0 = display until help is toggled)'],
'prefix':['[','string displayed before help'],
'suffix':[']','string displayed after help'],
'format_option':['(${white:type}) ${description_nls}','format of help for options: free text with identifiers using format: ${name} or ${color:name}: color is a WeeChat color (optional), name is a field of infolist "option"'],
'max_options':['5','max number of options displayed in list'],
'ignore_commands':['map,me,die,restart','comma-separated list of commands (without leading "/") to ignore'],
'color_alias':['white','color for text "Alias"'],
'color_alias_name':['green','color for alias name'],
'color_alias_value':['green','color for alias value'],
'color_delimiters':['lightgreen','color for delimiters'],
'color_no_help':['red','color for text "No help"'],
'color_list_count':['white','color for number of commands/options in list found'],
'color_list':['green','color for list of commands/options'],
'color_arguments':['cyan','color for command arguments'],
'color_option_name':['yellow','color for name of option found (by adding "*" to option name)'],
'color_option_help':['brown','color for help on option'],
'right_align':['off','align help to right'],
'right_padding':['15','padding to right when aligned to right'],
'space':['2','minimum space before help'],
'display "No help" when command is not found',
'auto start help when script is loaded',
'enter key stop help',
('number of seconds help is displayed (0 = display until help is '
'string displayed before help',
'string displayed after help',
'(${white:type}) ${description_nls}',
('format of help for options: free text with identifiers using '
'format: ${name} or ${color:name}: color is a WeeChat '
'color (optional), name is a field of infolist "option"'),
'max number of options displayed in list',
'comma-separated list of commands (without leading "/") to ignore',
'color for text "Alias"',
'color for alias name',
'color for alias value',
'color for delimiters',
'color for text "No help"',
'color for number of commands/options in list found',
'color for list of commands/options',
'color for command arguments',
'color for name of option found (by adding "*" to option name)',