SCRIPT_DESC="keep your nick and recover it in case it's occupied"
@@ -95,9 +99,9 @@ ISON = '/ison %s'
OPTIONS={'delay':('600','delay (in seconds) to look at occupied nick (0 means OFF). It is not recommended to flood the server with /ison requests)'),
'timeout':('60','timeout (in seconds) to wait for an answer from server.'),
'serverlist':('','comma separated list of servers to look at. Try to register a nickname on server (see: /msg NickServ help).regular expression are allowed (eg. ".*" = matches ALL server,"freen.*" = matches freenode, freenet....)'),
'serverlist':('','comma separated list of servers to look at. Try to register a nickname on server (see: /msg NickServ help).regular expression are allowed (eg. ".*" = matches ALL server,"freen.*" = matches freenode, freenet....) (this option is evaluated).'),
'text':('Nickstealer left Network: %s!','text that will be displayed if your nick will not be occupied anymore. (\"%s\" is a placeholder for the servername)'),
'nickserv':('/msg -server $server NICKSERV IDENTIFY $passwd','Use SASL authentification, if possible. This command will be used to IDENTIFY you on server (following placeholder can be used: \"$server\" for servername; \"$passwd\" for password). You can create an option for every server to store password: \"plugins.var.python.%s.<servername>.password\", otherwise the \"irc.server.<servername>.password\" option will be used.'%SCRIPT_NAME),
'nickserv':('/msg -server $server NICKSERV IDENTIFY $passwd','Use SASL authentification, if possible. This command will be used to IDENTIFY you on server (following placeholder can be used: \"$server\" for servername; \"$passwd\" for password). You can create an option for every server to store password: \"plugins.var.python.%s.<servername>.password\", otherwise the \"irc.server.<servername>.password\" option will be used (this option is evaluated).'%SCRIPT_NAME),
'command':('/nick %s','This command will be used to rename your nick (\"%s\" will be replaced with your nickname)'),
'debug':('off','When enabled, will output verbose debugging information during script operation'),