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Working NetRadiant and q3map2 with multi-threading on MSYS2 #2 (without aggressive disabling of optimizations)

Working NetRadiant and q3map2 with multi-threading on MSYS2 without aggressive disabling of optimizations (both x86, x86_64):

  • Replaced xmlNodeSetContent with xmlNodeAddContent as previous is crashing q3map2 if that was running with option -threads higher then 1 for no visible reasons. It works totally in the same way on empty nodes, so behavior of XML logging had not been changed in the end;
  • Fixed problems with out of bounds and got rid of unneeded warning messages;
  • Optimizations for MSYS2 were disabled locally on radiant/console.cpp (part with class GtkTextBufferOutputStream) as they are causing crashes;
  • Added and reworked specific MSYS2 shell script for automatic installing of required DLLs and GTK themes.

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