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Alternative approach to spreadable arguments

username-removed-383729 requested to merge gl-40-alt into master

See !35 (merged). This version initialises a new variable, argsArray, in functions where it's needed for [...arguments]. It's more bytes (unless you reference ...arguments more than once), but faster, and the expressions themselves are much easier to read than the ( arguments.length === 1 ? [ arguments[0] ] : Array.apply( null, arguments ) ).


// input
function x () {
  [ ];
  [, ];
  [,, ...baz ];
  [, bar ];
  [ foo, ];

  [ ...arguments ];
  [, ...arguments ];
  [ foo, ...arguments ];
  [ ...arguments, ];
  [ ...arguments, foo ];

  Math.max( ...values );
  Math.max( ...theseValues, ...thoseValues );
  Math.max( ...arguments );
  Math.max( ...arguments, ...values );
  Math.max( ...values, ...arguments );  

// output
function x () {
  var i = arguments.length, argsArray = Array(i);
  while ( i-- ) argsArray[i] = arguments[i];

  [].concat( foo );
  foo.concat( bar );
  foo.concat( bar, baz );
  foo.concat( [bar] );
  [ foo ].concat( bar );

  [].concat( argsArray );
  foo.concat( argsArray );
  [ foo ].concat( argsArray );
  argsArray.concat( foo );
  argsArray.concat( [foo] );

  Math.max.apply( Math, values );
  Math.max.apply( Math, theseValues.concat( thoseValues ) );
  Math.max.apply( Math, arguments );
  Math.max.apply( Math, argsArray.concat( values ) );
  Math.max.apply( Math, values.concat( argsArray ) );  

Any thoughts on which is preferable?

Note: in the case where var args = [...arguments] is the only time we spread arguments inside a function, we don't need to do var args = [].concat(argsArray) – we can just do var args = argsArray. That isn't yet implemented.

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