Welcome to Scribe Software’s (www.scribesoft.com) Gitlab Project. Our samples help you develop your own solutions. Look at our dedicated developer portal at https://dev.scribesoft.com for trial setup and more info.
- C
This CSharp code sample is being provided to assist you in understanding how to work with hierarchical data using the Connector Development Kit (CDK) which is part of the Software Development Kit (SDK). Please review our knowledge base article in the
- E
Create your own custom skill for Amazon Alexa allowing you interact with Scribe Online Request/Reply maps. This example shows how you can verbally interact with integration solutions to create, fetch data across your integrated systems.
- S
Source code for a Connector built by Scribe allowing end users to automate functions on the Platform. A good example of how the SDK/CDK can be used with a RESTful API.
- W
A simple JavaScript/jQuery Reference application to monitor solutions using the Scribe Online Web API
- W
A simple JavaScript/jQuery Reference application, building upon the Monitoring Reference App (101), this provides more functionality accessing details on Agents and Execution History using the Scribe Online Web API.
- W
An advanced version of a JavaScript, jQuery, bootstrapped Web Reference Application for working with the Scribe Web API. This provides step-by-step process to create children, provision agents, connections, clone solutions, and more.
- W
an open source tool to demonstrate interacting with Scribe Online Request/Reply maps to perform synchronous calls to other APIs and Connectors