Starting a timer should halt all other timers
- Refactor time-keeper internal format
- Provide preference to disable this behaviour
- Stop all instances, send tab messages
- Show notification of stopped timer
- Show closed items
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Show all activity Show comments only Show history only
- username-removed-678571 assigned to @adimit
assigned to @adimit
- username-removed-678571 changed milestone to %1.0
changed milestone to %1.0
- username-removed-678571 added Feature label
added Feature label
- username-removed-678571 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-678571 changed time estimate to 3h
changed time estimate to 3h
- Author Owner
depends on #17 (closed) and on #12 (closed)
Edited by username-removed-678571 - username-removed-678571 marked this issue as related to #17 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #17 (closed)
- username-removed-678571 marked this issue as related to #12 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #12 (closed)
- username-removed-678571 added To Do label
added To Do label
- username-removed-678571 added Doing and removed To Do labels
- username-removed-678571 changed title from Starting a timer should halt all other timers on that same instance to Starting a timer should halt all other timers
changed title from Starting a timer should halt all other timers on that same instance to Starting a timer should halt all other timers
- username-removed-678571 changed the description
changed the description
- username-removed-678571 added 7m 29s of time spent
added 7m 29s of time spent
- username-removed-678571 added 5m of time spent
added 5m of time spent
- username-removed-678571 added 20m 2s of time spent
added 20m 2s of time spent
- username-removed-678571 marked the checklist item Provide preference to disable this behaviour as completed
marked the checklist item Provide preference to disable this behaviour as completed
- username-removed-678571 added 1h 8m 42s of time spent
added 1h 8m 42s of time spent
- username-removed-678571 marked the checklist item Refactor time-keeper internal format as completed
marked the checklist item Refactor time-keeper internal format as completed
- username-removed-678571 marked the checklist item Stop all instances, send tab messages as completed
marked the checklist item Stop all instances, send tab messages as completed
- username-removed-678571 added 59m 36s of time spent
added 59m 36s of time spent
- Author Owner
Waiting for #29 (closed)
- username-removed-678571 marked the checklist item Show notification of stopped timer as completed
marked the checklist item Show notification of stopped timer as completed
- Author Owner
Out of scope: Notifications don't seem to work on Chrome. See #30 (closed)
Edited by username-removed-678571 - username-removed-678571 closed
- username-removed-678571 removed Doing label
removed Doing label