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Improve production build

  • Upgrade to cljs 1.8.34, uses :whitespace optimization (1.8.34 fixes CLJS-1565 which prevented using :whitespace)
  • Remove app.out from production build, to make it smaller (no need for sourcemaps in the production build)
  • Exclude all codemirror modes, except clojure, the only one that is used. This also reduces the production build size
  • Remove Semantic-UI components, they are not being used

Most important thing is the upgrade to 1.8.34, which allows using :whitespace optimization (since CLJS-1565 was fixed). The rest is removing stuff that seemed not needed to me. If you think otherwise, please let me know and I can remove those changes from here.

One thing to note: there are some issues in my-eval that happen on :whitespace optimization. I'm going to address them in a separate merge request. It's basically warnings due to (def atom reagent.core/atom) when cljs.core/atom is already defined and also because reagent.core is not being required

Merge request reports