Inconsistant inventory space
In the following sequence of actions, I could drop an object, but not take it back, supposedly due to a lack of space in the inventory:
> look
You are in a large chamber with passages to the west and north.
There are diamonds here!
A formidable ogre bars the northern exit.
> take diamonds
You can't carry anything more. You'll have to drop something first.
> inventory
You are currently holding the following:
Brass lantern
Wicker cage
Little bird in cage
Tasty food
Small bottle
Water in the bottle
Dwarf's axe
Leporine appendage
Large gold nugget
> throw appendage
> kill ogre
The ogre, who despite his bulk is quite agile, easily dodges your
attack. He seems almost amused by your puny effort.
> take appendage
You can't carry anything more. You'll have to drop something first.
> look
You are in a large chamber with passages to the west and north.
Your keen eye spots a severed leporine appendage lying on the ground.
There are diamonds here!
A formidable ogre bars the northern exit.
This seems incoherent. Is this a bug?