Projects with this topic
App simples criado com o intuito de testar o processo de lançar um app no marketplace da Mozilla Firefox OS.
Este App faz o cálculo do indice de massa corpórea (IMC) com base na tabela da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). O IMC é um índice inter
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Very simple JavaScript Validator plugin written for Guachi Framework
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Classical Object-Oriented Programming with ECMAScript
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An old experiment of mine, implementing MD5 in JavaScript 1.3 (the last version that didn't properly support Unicode internally). Originally managed on SourceForge, because that was all that was available at the time, but I'm moving it here.
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JavaScript REPL (for when you want to hack on some JS in a hostile environment in a hurry)
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A style for the Textual IRC client
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Simple project written in AngularJS for fetching GitHub repos and getting individual's information.
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A multi-stopwatch web application.
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Charity Webpage creation with Bootstrap
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Web application for your project to keep track and visualise who discovers most bugs. It runs on an Apache webserver, uses PHP to interface with a MySQL database, and the Chart.js JavaScript library to draw the diagram.
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App do Raul Hacker Club para mobile.
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Using mathematical expressions in programming is one of the most important tasks to be done. This guide will provide you the instructions about how to convert mathematical expressions into expression objects and how to use a value function.
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A nodejs twitter bot using feedparser and simple-twitter.
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Various PHP Functions emulated for JAVASCRIPT use.
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Media Player for All