Projects with this topic
Here you can find all kinds of different scripts.
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Responsável por manipular planilhas e coletar dados necessários estruturando scripts autônomos com a função de adicionar, gerenciar e excluir usuários massivos do Active Directory visando acessibilidade e praticidade no gerenciamento de domínio.
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Files written at The Computer Guy for help automating daily tasks.
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This is my ffmpeg batch x265 transcoder for processing my personal video collection. Releasing under MIT license in case anyone else finds it useful.
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A simple Windows SQLServer utility to back up all your databases at 12.00 daily.
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The basic roundhouse setup, with a couple of extra touches to make kicking a database easier
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Pyhton facilities to allow "proxied" execution of commands: real, dry-run or through batch system wrappers