Projects with this topic
This project aims to provide a format and an API for recording and replaying data per frame in an application.
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A simulation of simple creatures evolving to do simple tasks
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A diagnostic tool for the STM32 timer structure (stm32duino)
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CAPE Devtools are portable development tools that fits various needs I find. These tools are built against the ucommon library
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GNU SIP Witch is a b2bua sip server originally designed for facilitating peer-to-peer communications and use with secure zrtp enabled endpoints.
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A very light-weight C++ library to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded applications
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Developer - VITTACH (https://www.vk.com/vittach)
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Aplikacja na systemy Linux do wystawiania, zarządzania fakturami, danymi klietnów i produktami.
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A simple makefile for compiling small C/C++ projects.
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A Rotating Cobra MK III from Elite Classic using only Xlib.
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Bachelor Thesis about porting the hardware functionality from a microcontroller to an embedded linux system named Gnublin
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OOP C++ program that will simulate city street traffic.
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Emulator for the CHIP-8 interpreter
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Un jeu de type FPS inspiré de Hunger-Games avec des larges terrains,une AI avancée, gestion de réseau basique, collecte d'objets, animations...
A FPS game inspired by Hunger-Games with large terrains, advanced AI, basic networking, animations...
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Draft of C3PO library