Projects with this topic
A Jabber/XMPP bot with a GUI. Based on Qt and QXMPP.
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An extensible, fully RFC2812 compliant IRC bot for node.js
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Chat, builde on java using Socket's and basic Thread.
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Секьюрный чат, ориентированный на конфиденциальность пользователей
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English words learning platform.
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Kevään 2017 Pilviohjelmointi-kurssilla toteutettu keskustelufoorumi
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Asynchronous, event-driven, client-side IRC library.
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Picturebook is a Sponge plugin that replaces variables within the game with defined replacements.
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Um script que contém todo o necessário para o funcionamento de um bot interativo de Telegram.
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minimal communication platform, think of it as Yo on steroids this is a small iOS demo
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minimal communication platform, think of it as Yo on steroids
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IM client and server.
Messages are very poorly encrypted.