Projects with this topic
A ionic boilerplate
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A simple snake game with Node and ReactJS, and loaded with some tests. Project is used for CI/CD pipelines on Gitlab. Maybe will have docker support if needed for project continuous integration.
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The website generator for, which is staticly generated on gh-pages
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Command-line tool for marking builds with too many warnings as failed. Also a command-line alternative for Useable with plugin-less CI systems.
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C++ assignment from Uni with Unit Testing and CI
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Gitlab CI image with NodeJS and other pre-installed tools
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Container that will allow you to generate your Sphinx documentation from GitLab CI
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A service to browse configuration from a repository through rules and produce diff between to environment or version for a varibale
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A Gradle plugin which reports build errors, JUnit tests, and Jacoco coverage reports to a Slack channel
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Typical dashboard to be presented in TV sets
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Continuous Integration Environments for SANE Project Repositories
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My blog on GitLab Pages. (
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CV's or résumés with coverletters using LaTeX with YAML and Markdown through Pandoc making use of Gitlab Continuous Integration
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Example Jekyll site deployed in a branch using GitLab Pages:
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Command line interface for GitLab CI to query the current buildstatus
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Terminal dashboard for GitLab pipelines. npm:
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Esta versión tiene un ejemplo de CI con (PHP 5.6 + MySQL + PHPUnit + xDebug) "Coverage Code" de como utilizar los pipelinos en GitLab y BitBucket,. Los archivos de configuración son estos dos archivos. GitLab: .gitlab-ci.yml BitBucket: bitbucket-pipe
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