Projects with this topic
Un hébergeur hypersimple en php/html/css et avec un poil d'ajax.
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Import HTML5 wallpapers into your Discord's background! (S00PER COOL!!1!)
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A small javascript library that prepares HTML codes to be embed in other programming languages (the main target was C).
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Webpack (W)= Angular(A) + Bootstrap(B) + Your Style(S)
Means Include together bundle of AngularJs v1.6 and Bootstrap v3 and you style using Webpack
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Tysane - CSS Components using BootStrap
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Stylish theme for Discourse
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This repo serves as a 'seed seed'. Experimenting with frameworks and libraries has alwas put me in the need of some basic scaffolding, so I could just inject the stuff I was toying around with and launch it, test it, click it hard. Here it is..
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Website toko buku dan kasir sederhana berbasis PHP Native dan Database MySQL
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My final project in HTML- Authoring course
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Demuestra la invocación de código de una máquina a otra via Internet através de la Web API de Spotify; el API está construida de acuerdo a los principios REST.
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Homepage for Scout group "Pfadi Abteilung H2O".
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VOPM-Blog es una aplicación web basada en AngularJS que utiliza un “local json-server restfull api” para la administración de publicaciones, comentarios, usuarios, etc.
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My FreeCodeCamp tribute page front-end challenge.
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Javascript+CSS thing to add a (x) clear icon to your inputs.