Projects with this topic
Simple and Lightweight CMS Framework
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Open Source CMS (Content Management System) and build applications with Codeigniter and Bootstrap.
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Heartbeat is a backend Node.js infrastructure created with the purpose of providing and managing data
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Gambas is a free development environment and a full powerful development platform based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, as easy as Visual Basic™.
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A Docker Stack to run a Php7 Apps. Composed by Http, Php, Database, Cache, Queue, Logger, Cron Jobs and CLI services.
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El proyecto Nogal busca implementar una forma de trabajar con el patrón de desarrollo similar al DAO en PHP para los aprendices del SENA de forma básica y también para cualquier otra persona que desee hacer uso de este desarrollo bajo licencia MIT.
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GUI EXT JS interface for the Datalog Database Manager.
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Backend Node.js Direct MySql for the Datalog Database Manager
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A basic application already configured for start your custom project with Rails 5. Includes some technologies in different branches, one for mysql another for mongo and some more that share both. (stylus, cloudinary, carrierwave)
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XpressEngine 개인 연구 프로젝트.
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Aplikasi sederhana untuk meliat keadaan laju realisasi, Kendali Anggaran di BKPSDM Kabupaten Tanah Laut
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SocialCRON platform RESTFul API. SocialCRON is an open-source platform to schedule posts on social media sites. This is only a mirror of official Github repository (
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Built on the provided POS module framework, this module added views for different roles, permissions, and added the ability to output the results.
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Point of Sale tracking and reporting module using PHP within the Drupal framework to build SQL queries and report results.
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Esta versión tiene un ejemplo de CI con (PHP 5.6 + MySQL + PHPUnit + xDebug) "Coverage Code" de como utilizar los pipelinos en GitLab y BitBucket,. Los archivos de configuración son estos dos archivos. GitLab: .gitlab-ci.yml BitBucket: bitbucket-pipe
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Symfony 2.5.10 simple Blog
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Website toko buku dan kasir sederhana berbasis PHP Native dan Database MySQL
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Project Aplikasi Toko Buku Desktop berbasis Java dan MySQL.