Projects with this topic
Because everyone's app should puke JSON to stdout
My target is Django/gunicorn apps within Kubernetes pods; however, there is no reason why this can't be used sans gunicorn/kubernetes. (Yes, even gunicorn can puke JSON!)
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Sitio django para Corretaje Propiedades [REAL STATE]
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WIP - Indexeur de disquaires en ligne & moteur de recherche
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База сотрудников компании - тестовое задание на django и postgres.
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A small utility tool to watch trello and keep updated in real time a list of all the cards that mentioned the logged-in user and haven't received a response yet.
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Administración de citas y contactos
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Winning entry for 2013 Focus Geomatics Code-a-thon
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Un générateur de médicament
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Example deploy django project on Openshift
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Platform in Django to publish content with a peer to peer revision. That project will allow develop a democratic publishing system in concordance with the subject in what we publish.
It consider: Language python Framework Django Server NginxUwsgi
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Skeleton project for a Django 1.9 app qith Python 3 running under Vagrant