Projects with this topic
A cool and simple abstract and random icon generator ! Made in javascript and D3.js. Outputs are SVG.
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PokeArena is a tool for making fun teams to play against friends using the same tool or even another unknown people in Pokemon Showdown battle simulator. Webpage:
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A simple Python3 terminal game based on random numbers. To win, you must find the random number using only relativity hints.
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Un générateur de médicament
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〘French〙Logiciel affichant une liste de mots aléatoirement choisis pour l'inspiration a l'écriture… Fonctione sur Mac OSⅩ, devrait fonctionner sur Windows(en test).
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A funny Python program which plays a series of musical notes in random order. Supports a lot of scales, random number distributions and effects.
The awesome Pyo module is used for audio output, GUI built with wxPython.