Projects with this topic
Simple template to start an express app
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middleware that redirects all traffic to a common target hostname.
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middleware that upgrades traffic from HTTP to HTTPS using the X-FORWARDED-PROTO proxy header.
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FULL_PROJECT: An application that runs on a MERN Stack, using Redux for State Management.
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FULL_PROJECT: A Simple chat application built using ReactJS, Node and Express. Redux is used for Client State Management. Redis is used for Server side session management. is used for real-time messaging.
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middleware that returns 200 status code responses if the request user-agent is elb-healthchecker.
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English words learning platform.
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microservices-boilerplate - Microservices starter kit (React, Express, Redux, MongoDB, Mongoose, Passport) big start for large projects
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Aplicacion que permite crear una cuenta mediante correo, usuario y password, inicio de sesión, recuperar contraseña mediante envío de un link con token (1h) al mail del usuario y así mismo, cambiar la contraseña mediante la utilización de ese link.
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Express template project. Simple CRUD app with login.
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Kevään 2017 Pilviohjelmointikurssin tehtäviä ja ratkaisuja
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Front-end - angular Back-end - NodeJS (Express)
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A middleware for triggering actions on the client, without interfering with the body of the response. For the client side library, see