Projects with this topic
A side project to learn new web techniques such as Service Workers, Grid and the Font Loading API.
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A dialogue builder made with javascript.
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This is a boilerplate for simple web sites, no cms or anything. Image min, stylus with prefixes and minification and js minifying and vendors.
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Web frontend for the Brainy platform.
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Personal website about big data analytics, artificial intelligence and high performance computing. Powered by Jekyll, Node.js, Gulp, Bower and many other cool stuff.
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Fast-loading WP theme for building sites from scratch. More info: Fast loading, fully optimised WordPress theme; Automatic image compression; SCSS to CSS conversion; CSS combine & minimize; Minimize JS files
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Landing page for Farside projects.
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A project boilerplate with gulp as task runner for es6 (babel and browserify) and sass.
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Starter materialize RTL with Gulp
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Integrate Symfony3 Bundle with Gulp.jsUpdatedUpdated -
Web frontend for the configuration project (Brainy variables).
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Opiniated Electron quick-start-boilerplate using bower, gulp, browserify/watchify, less, react+babel and electron-reload.
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Дефолтный шаблон для старта верстки проектов
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Visual Studio boilerplate project for building Javascript websites.
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A simple JavaScript-based Snakes and Ladders simulator