Projects with this topic
A music player app that saves your place for each playlist on your device. Other features include smart shuffle, where each audio file in the list is played before any is repeated. The source is available under the GPLv3 license.
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Software that algorithmically generates music in as many styles as could possibly ever exist. And you get to manipulate the process in many interesting and fun ways.
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A simple music quiz game for GNU/Linux, using your own music files, like Ogg Vorbis, FLAC and MP3. Supports multiplayer, in both button-based and typing-based modes.
It is Free Software. Based on Qt, Phonon and TagLib.
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Music on cloud Repository.
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TerraBite is the Best Discord Bot you'll ever come across.
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Songs for Folks. Songs I like the way I like 'em
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JSON-API for TeamSpeak 3 music bots from or
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Collection of guitar tabs gathered from public sources. All free, any specific info is found in their files.
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A free Linux CLI music score library manager.
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A filebrowser plugin for the DeaDBeeF audio player.
Check out the source (see README for info):
Old project home:
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This software allows you to render a score of a .wav
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Turn a Raspberry Pi into an RFID-controlled Jukebox. Powered by Raspberry Pi, MFRF522, node.js, and Python.
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Submit FreeDB data to MusicBrainz
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eMusic/J is a cross-platform alternative download manager for, and can be readily customised for use by other services.
It is light-weight, simple, and fast.
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Main repo of python scripts to manipulate LSDJ ROM.
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Facilaj muzikaĵoj por okarina kaj klavarinstrumentoj · נעימות קלות לנגינה באוקרינה ובכלי־מקלדת
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Keep your music collection in great shape.