operating system
Projects with this topic
32-bit monolithic kernel written in C
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Apollo OS, the successor to Medli OS with better functionality and much more
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An open source operating system written in Assembly
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Sistema operativo educativo en espacio de usuario, escrito en C++. Proyecto de Sistemas Operativos 2.
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An open source operating system written mostly in C, before rewriting history
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Sistema operativo megalítico para PC. Ofrece una interfaz de línea de comandos desde la cual se puede, entre otras cosas, navegar sistemas de archivos FAT32. Escrito en C y ensamblador de i386. Proyecto de Arquitectura del Computador.
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HOBby Operating SystemYet another hobby operating system with no ultimate goals. This hobby OS is a 64b x86 based OS which may, or may not, run on real hardware.
A monolithic kernel + minimal bootloader + userland (eventually).